
General overview and Research Groups

The Turing Centre aims to stimulate a highly interdisciplinary community, especially physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists who, together with biologists, provide the means to base experimental studies on solid quantitative grounds, to identify new questions and conceptualize new ways of understanding the complexity of living systems.

Life is based on dynamic systems whose organisational principles remain unclear due to their complexity. Such complexity has different origins. Living systems are the product of a long evolutionary history and are intrinsically dynamic as they develop, renew their components, adapt to their physiological environments and are trained. This is illustrated for instance in the development of embryos and organs, and in the function of the immune and nervous systems.

Understanding biological complexity is one of the most significant challenges for the future. It will impact both basic research and medicine, since diseases emerge from anomalies in the organisation and dynamics of living systems.

The Turing Centre addresses the nature of the information underlying biological processes, and the organisation and dynamics of biological structures. Five over-arching questions bring together biologists interested in development, neuroscience and immunology experts along with physicists, while computational biologists and mathematicians underlie the research effort:

How does genetic information impact cell fates?
How do signalling dynamics impact cell differentiation?
How is information encoded in collective cellular dynamics?
How do networks of cell interactions form and function collectively?
How does mechanics impact cell and tissue organisation and dynamics?

CENTURI recruits researchers and post-docs with backgrounds in computational biology, theoretical physics or biophysics, with a strong interest in working in a cross-disciplinary environment.

CENTURI fellows

Principal Investigators

Florence Bansept (LCB/CPT)

Mathematical modelling of the ecology & evolution of host-associated microbiota

Lorenzo Fontolan (Inmed/CPT)

Brain mechanisms of flexible behavior

Léo Guignard (IBDM)

Understanding developmental reproducibility at the single cell scale

Matthias Merkel (CPT)

Self-organization and collective effects in living systems

Hervé Rouault (CPT/INMED)

Neural networks for the representation of 3D environments

Pierre Ronceray (CINaM)

Modeling and Measuring Soft Living Matter


Phillipe Roudot (Institut Fresnel)

Dynamic bioimage mining for live cell microscopy

Jean-François Rupprecht (CPT)

Out-of-equilibrium Mechanics (OM)

Paul Villoutreix (MMG)

Learning Meaningful Representations of Life

Florence Bansept (LCB) - Mathematical modelling of the ecology & evolution of host-associated microbiota

Lorenzo Fontolan (Inmed - CPT) - Brain mechanisms of flexible behavior

Léo Guignard (LIS) - Understanding developmental reproducibility at the single cell scale

Matthias Merkel (CPT) - Self-organization and collective effects in living systems

Hervé Rouault (CPT - INMED) Neural networks for the representation of 3D environments

Pierre Ronceray (CPT) -Theoretical modeling and inference methods for the physics of soft biological matter

Phillipe Roudot (Institut Fresnel) - Dynamic bioimage mining for live cell microscopy

Jean-François Rupprecht (CPT) - Out-of-equilibrium Mechanics (OM)

Paul Villoutreix (LIS) - Marseille Machine Learning Team

Postdoctoral fellow

Mehdi Abbasi (CINaM, M2P2) -Understanding margination, from vessels to vascular networks

Ludovica Bachschmid Romano (Inmed) - Computational frameworks to link structure, dynamics and function in large-scale neural circuits

Maximilien Courgeon (IBDM, CPT) - Self-organising principles of Class IV neuron dendritic arborization in Drosophila

Paulina Garcia Gonzalez (IBDM) - EPIC-Mitochondria

Gesa Loof (LIS) - Early drivers of symmetry breaking in pre-implantation mouse embryo cell fate specification

Florian Labourel (LCB) - Metabolism and multi-stable equilibria in the gut microbiome

Sujit Kumar Nath (IBDM, CPT) - The effect of changing curvature on tissue flows in Drosophila embryo 

Vitor Marquioni Monteiro (LCB) - Mathematical Modeling of Gut Microbiome

Ying Zhou (Inserm, TAGC) - Quantitive micromethods for rapid characterization of immune cells activity in infection and cancerous context

Sophie Carneiro Esteves (Fresnel) 

Mehdi Abbasi (CINaM/M2P2)

Understanding margination, from vessels to vascular networks




Ludovica Bachschmid Romano (Inmed)

Computational frameworks to link structure, dynamics and function in large-scale neural circuits

Maximilien Courgeon (IBDM/CPT)

Self-organising principles of Class IV neuron dendritic arborization in Drosophila


Paulina Garcia Gonzalez (CIML/IBDM)





Florian Labourel (LCB)

Metabolism and multi-stable equilibria in the gut microbiome




Sujit Kumar Nath (CPT)

The effect of changing curvature on tissue flows in Drosophila embryo 


Vitor Marquioni Monteiro (LCB)

Mathematical Modeling of Gut Microbiome





Ying Zhou (LAI/TAGC)

Quantitive micromethods for rapid characterization of immune cells activity in infection and cancerous context

Sophie Carneiro Esteves (Fresnel)





PhD students


Ahmad Awada (LAI, I2M)Reverse adhesive haptotaxis: from reductionist experimentation to mathematical and physical modeling

Alexandre Bonomo (CIML/LIS) - Multi-view machine learning analysis of intestinal immune response 

Nadine Ben Boina (I2M, MMG) - Mathematical Modelling of rare diseases

Marie-Jose Chaaya (I2M, IBDM) Modeling tumor innervation: impact on immune cells and anti-cancer treatment

Jessica Chevallier (CIML, TAGC, LAI) - Spatial mapping of gene expression to decipher the thymic cellular

Arthur Coët MIO/CINaM) - Deciphering bacterial colonization of marine snow

Marie Dessard (CIML/LAI) - How cholesterol and phospholipids fine tune T cell early mechanosensitivity?

Jaime Fernandez MacGregor (TAGC) - Modeling human network perturbations by bacterial proteins

Andonis Gerardos (CINaM) - How to learn a stochastic partial differential equation from a video?

Alice Gros (IBDM, LIS) - Morphogenesis variability in embryonic organoids.

Mathias Ramm Haugland (IBDM/LIS) - MitoLearner: deep learning and explainable AI to understand the role of mitochondria genes in cancer cells

Andrei Karpov (AFMB/LAI) - Physical and structural characterization of the interplay between the cell membranes, actin filaments and Chikungunya protein nsP1

Martin Lardy (IRPHE,IBDM) - Computational Fluid Dynamics to infer embryonic tissue rheology

Emma Legait (IBDM) - Deciphering the self-organizing principles governing the cellular composition and growth of tumors

Marvin Leria (IBDM) - PCP plasticity in the basal metazoan Trichoplax adhaerens

Ismahene Mesbah (LAI, IBDM)  - Decoding protein structural folds, sequence and structural motifs

Piyush Mishra (I2M, Institut Fresnel) - Weakly-supervised inferences of molecular dynamics for fluorescence imaging in physiological environments

Alexandre Ortega (LMA/LAI/IUSTI) - Development of acoustic techniques to study the biophysical properties of cell clusters

Harshit Pateria (IBDM/MMG) - Integrating transcription and lineage to define spatiotemporal trajectories of cardiac progenitor cells

Jessica Pereira Silva (INMED/I2M) - Behavioural grammar and synaptic rules of the social brain

Marc-Eric Perrin (IBDM, CPT) - Models of neuronal growth during embryogenesis as self-interacting dynamical trees

Devam Purohit (CINaM, I2M) - The muscle spring: quantifying and manipulating the molecular elasticity of muscle in vitro and in vivo

Florian Saby (IRPHE/LCB) - Understanding Decision-Making in Myxococcus xanthus

Mirindra Ratsifandrihamanana (INMED, CPT) - Circuits supporting dynamics transitions in the developing hippocampus

Hilde Langengen Teigen (INMED, INT) Neuromodulatory mechanisms of predictive processing in the mouse visual cortex

Rémy Torro (CINaM, LAI)Mapping and classifying the topography of adhesive cell interface with high precision

Paul Uteza (CPT, INMED) - Neural networks for the representation of 3D environments

João Pedro Valeriano Miranda (CINaM) - Learning hidden structures in the stochastic dynamics of living systems

Jules Vanaret (I2M, IBDM) - OrganoDyn - Organoid dynamic reconstruction across scales

Matthew Jones (LCB)

Claire Plateaux (MMG/I2M)

Corentin Gourc (LMA/IBDM)

Tom Orjollet-Lacomme (Inmed/IRPHE)

Nicole Kolodziej (Indmed)

Louis Ritchi (Inmed)

Sujal Kataria (DyNaMo/IBDM)

Jad Sleiman (CIML/LAI)

Ahmad Awada (LAI, I2M)

Reverse adhesive haptotaxis: from reductionist experimentation to mathematical and physical modeling

Alexandre Bonomo (CIML/LIS)

Multi-view machine learning analysis of intestinal immune response 

Nadine Ben Boina (I2M/MMG)

Mathematical Modelling of rare diseases

Marie-Jose Chaaya (I2M/IBDM)

Modeling tumor innervation: impact on immune cells and anti-cancer treatment

Jessica Chevallier (CIML/TAGC/LAI)

Spatial mapping of gene expression to decipher the thymic cellular

Arthur Coët (MIO/CINaM)

Deciphering bacterial colonization of marine snow

Marie Dessard (CIML/LAI)

How cholesterol and phospholipids fine tune T cell early mechanosensitivity?

Jaime Fernandez MacGregor (TAGC/AFMB)

Modeling human network perturbations by bacterial proteins



Andonis Gerardos (CINaM)

How to learn a stochastic partial differential equation from a video?

Alice Gros (IBDM)

Morphogenesis variability in embryonic organoids.



Mathias Ramm Haugland (IBDM/LIS)

MitoLearner: deep learning and explainable AI to understand the role of mitochondria genes in cancer cells

Andrei Karpov (AFMB/LAI)

Physical and structural characterization of the interplay between the cell membranes, actin filaments and Chikungunya protein nsP1

Martin Lardy (IRPHE/IBDM)

Computational Fluid Dynamics to infer embryonic tissue rheology





Emma Legait (IBDM)

Deciphering the self-organizing principles governing the cellular composition and growth of tumors



Marvin Leria (IBDM)

PCP plasticity in the basal metazoan Trichoplax adhaerens




Ismahene Mesbah (LAI/IBDM)

Decoding protein structural folds, sequence and structural motifs




Piyush Mishra (I2M/Institut Fresnel)

Weakly-supervised inferences of molecular dynamics for fluorescence imaging in physiological environments

Alexandre Ortega (LMA/LAI/IUSTI)

Development of acoustic techniques to study the biophysical properties of cell clusters

Harshit Pateria (IBDM/MMG)

Integrating transcription and lineage to define spatiotemporal trajectories of cardiac progenitor cells

Jessica Pereira Silva (INMED/I2M)

Behavioural grammar and synaptic rules of the social brain



Marc-Eric Perrin (IBDM, CPT)

Models of neuronal growth during embryogenesis as self-interacting dynamical trees


Devam Purohit (IBDM/LAI)

The muscle spring: quantifying and manipulating the molecular elasticity of muscle in vitro and in vivo

Mirindra Ratsifandri-Hamanana (INMED/INT)

Circuits supporting dynamics transitions in the developing hippocampus

Florian Saby (IRPHE/LCB)

Understanding Decision-Making in Myxococcus xanthus



Hilde Langengen Teigen (INMED/ INT)

Neuromodulatory mechanisms of predictive processing in the mouse visual cortex


Paul Uteza (CPT/INMED)

Neural networks for the representation of 3D environments



João Pedro Valeriano Miranda (CINaM)

Learning hidden structures in the stochastic dynamics of living systems


Jules Vanaret (I2M/IBDM)

OrganoDyn - Organoid dynamic reconstruction across scales


Matthew Jones (LCB)





Baya Djadoun (IBDM)





Claire Plateaux (MMG/I2M)

Corentin Gourc (LMA/IBDM)

Tom Orjollet-Lacomme (Inmed/IRPHE)

Nicole Kolodziej (Inmed) 

Louis Ritchi (Indmed)

Sujal Kataria (DyNaMo/IBDM)

Jad Sleiman (CIML/LAI)

Yan Plötze (IBDM/CPT)


Lea Chabot - Bioinformatics Engineer

Audrey Comte Software Development Engineer

Fabrice Dessolis - Mechatronics Engineer

Thang Duong Quoc Le - Image Data Processing & Analysis

Mai Han Hoang - Image Data Processing & Analysis

Mathias Lechelon - Mechatronics

Stefania Sarno - Data Neuroscientist 

Thomas Vannier - Bioinformatics Data Analyst



Lea Chabot

Bioinformatics Engineer


Audrey Comte

Software Development Engineer


Fabrice Dessolis

Mechatronics Engineer


Thomas Vannier

Bioinformatics Data Analyst


Mai Han Hoang Image Data Processing & Analysis



Mathias Lechelon





Since 2017, talented and innovative scientists have helped us shape CENTURI and collaborate on federating a diverse community and to ensure its commitment to an interdiciplinary approach of Science and Research.

Photography by ©Criscuolo