#CENTURI #Seminar

CENTURI Engineering | Introduction to biological data analysis courses

The engineers participated in the training “Introduction to biological data” held March 27-29 in the LIS.


CENTURI Engineering | Meeting of engineers with the RUE (Rapprochement Université Entreprise)

The Engineers presented the platform and their activities to the RUE (Rapprochement Université Entreprise) to talk about future interesting partnerships for the companies accompanied by this device.


CENTURI Engineering | Webinaire Image Analysis Automation with TAPAS

Thomas Boudier will present with the “petits webinaires du RTmfm” a seminar on Image Analysis Automation with TAPAS. This webinaire is organized by the GDR ImaBio.
You can attend the seminar freely : https://youtu.be/j4suBD8VHk

CENTURI Engineering | Seminar on bioinformatics jobs

Thomas Vannier presented to the Master students in Bioinformatics (DLAD) the Multi-Engineering platform and the profession of engineers in bioinformatics. It was the opportunity to answer their questions and promote exchange with students.


The CENTURI PhD & Postdoc Retreat – 2022

The CENTURI PhD & Postdoc Retreat has taken place in the beautiful Presqu’île de Giens – it was a very good opportunity for the new PhD students and Postdoc fellows to meet the CENTURI community.

The participants had the chance to meet each other thanks to different activities : Post-it session, Meet and greet, petanque tournaments, kayaking sessions and a field project animated by Clara Sidor.

CENTURI Engineering | Webinaire 3D Image Analysis with 3D suite

Thomas Boudier will present with the “petits webinaires du RTmfm” a seminar on 3D Image Analysis with 3D suite. This webinaire is organized by the GDR ImaBio.
You can attend the seminar freely : https://youtu.be/kXNyGKFyzP4


The Physics of Living Matter Conference 16 – 2022

The Physics of Living Matter Conference 16 has taken place Tuesday and Wednesday in Marseille at the Palais du Pharo, , and will continue in Cambridge on Thursday and Friday.

This event has been organized in partnership between ⁦⁩CENTURI and Cambridge University.

Welcoming Day for the Computational Biology & Physics of Complex Systems CENTURI Masters

A very motivated group of people coming from various places in the world have been welcomed by Thomas Lecuit, director of the Turing Center of Living Systems and team leader of the Architecture and Plasticity of Tissues team as a Research Director at the IBDM in Marseille. CENTURI is happy to participate to the growing of new ideas and the exploring of Science by the new generations.

#MasterCMB #MasterPhysicsofComplexSystems !


CENTURI Hackathon – 2022

The CENTURI HAckathon 2022 took place from June 24 until June 26. We were very excited to welcome all the participants and see the results of this intense competition.


CENTURI | Summer school 2022

The CENTURI #SummerSchool 2022 has been launched this morning ! Rosa Cossart has welcomed all the participants this morning.
Excited to begin these two weeks of transfer of knowledge and deep thinking at the university of Aix Marseille at the Luminy campus.
Our engineers participate to the CENTURI Summer School 2021. You can check the link below for more informations. Link to the CENTURI Summer School 2022


CENTURI Engineering | “Introduction to biological data analysis”

The Multi-engineering Platform participates in the “Introduction to biological data analysis” training courses organized by CENTURI.


CENTURI Engineering | Tools and data presentation

The Multi-engineering Platform did a presentation and demo/tutorial of the Single Cell analysis software called “ShiVA”.


CENTURI Engineering | Tools and data presentation

The Multi-engineering Platform did a presentation of 3D Analysis with the 3D ImageJ Suite on February 02, 2022 on Zoom.


Talking about MiSiC

Tâm Mignot has given an interview for the CNRS Journal about MiSiC, the first tool capable of automatically analyzing images of bacterial biofilms found in our mouths, in hospitals or in the soil.


A look back on the 2021 CENTURI PhD/Postdoc retreat

The CENTURI education program invited PhD students and Postdoc fellows to take part in a retreat to discuss about their works! The participants have been invited to stay at the Domaine de Mousquety, a magnificent 22-hectare park located on the banks of the Sorgue River.

Plan de travail 1

New publication

Entitled “Nucleation landscape of biomolecular condensates”, this article in Nature is the result of a collaboration between Princeton University, CNRS and Aix Marseille University. The article is signed by 1 of our CENTURI PI: Pierre Ronceray


New publication

A new article entitled BCL-XL blockage in TNBC models confers vulnerability to inhibition of specific cell cycle regulators has recently been published in Theranostics.


New award

Mar Benavides has been awarded the 2021 CNRS Bronze medal.  

The bronze medal rewards the first works of researchers specialized in their field. This distinction represents an encouragement from the CNRS to pursue well-initiated and already fruitful research.

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New publication

A new article entitled Formation of polarized contractile interfaces by self-organized Toll-8/Cirl GPCR asymmetry has recently been published in Developmental Cell. This article is the result of a collaboration between the AMU, CNRS, IBDM and Inserm.


3 new group leaders at the Turing Centre for Living Systems

3 new group leaders joined CENTURI at the beginning of 2021. A focus on these newcomers on the Luminy campus…