New Intern Joining Our Platform!
We are pleased to welcome Yahadih Yacob, a new bioinformatics intern, to our platform!

Open Lab Frame project presentation
The Mechatronics engineers presented the Open Lab Frame project during the SOS4.

A look back on Physics of Living Matter – 16-17 September 2024
The 16 and 17 of September, the 18th edition of Physics of Living Matter Symposium took place in le Palais du Pharo, in Marseille.

A look back on the CENTURI Hackathon – 28-30 June 2024
Engineers from the MEP CENTURI took part in the CENTURI Hackathon.

CMB Master Students Welcoming Day
This Monday morning our new CMB Master Students were welcomed by Master Directors, Florence Hubert (I2M) and Laurence Röder (TAGC), and Bianca Habermann (IBDM), representing and introducing CENTURI. We are wishing them the best of luck and great success for the coming year.

MEP open house and CENTURI afterwork
The Multi-Engineering Platform CENTURI (MEP CENTURI) organized an open house session.

Special CENTURI Day: success stories and new horizons for the past and the next decade
Pierre-François Lenne, scientific director of the MEP CENTURI (UAR 2027 – US 60), presented the platform, its successes since 2019 and its future prospects.

Special CENTURI Day: success stories and new horizons for the past and the next decade
CENTURI welcomed about 120 participants during its CENTURI Day on May 30, 2024, organised in Jardins du Pharo, Marseille. Throughout the day, 13 speakers took turns to celebrate over 10 years of efforts to build an interdisciplinary research ecosystem in life sciences in AMU. It was an exciting opportunity for our community of students, postdocs,…

A new engineer joins CENTURI
A new engineer, Mai Han Hoang, joins the CENTURI multi-engineering platform as Image Processing & Data Analysis.

CENTURI Engineering | Introduction to biological data analysis courses
The engineers participated in the training “Introduction to biological data” held February 22 at the Exagone.

The CENTURI PhD & Postdoc Retreat – 2024
This year’s CENTURI PhD & Postdoc Retreat took place in Embrun – it was a very good opportunity for the PhD students and Postdoc fellows to get to know each other better and have fun through various activities, from outdoor sport challenges and escape game to podcast and comic workshop. During 3 exciting days, participants could…

CENTURI’s 2024 “Focus on Imaging” Training Course Equips Participants with Comprehensive Skills
Each year, CENTURI organises its well-known “Focus on Imaging” training course, designed to provide participants with a profound understanding of basic optics, imaging techniques, image analysis, and programming. The comprehensive course, organised from February 22-26, brought together about 15 participants from diverse scientific backgrounds, fostering a collaborative learning environment. Led by experts in the field,…

New premises for the multi-engineering platform
The engineers have moved to new premises : RdC of the TPR2 building at the entrance of the Luminy Campus.

CENTURI Scientific Day December 2023
The engineers participated in the Centuri Scientific Day to present their expertises and discussed with the Centuri community for futur collaborations.

CENTURI conference and afterwork | 18 December 2023
CENTURI welcomed about 50 participants during the scientific mediation conference given by Pierre Kerner. Known for his engaging and accessible approach to complex scientific concepts, Pierre shared his expertise on scientific mediation with a diverse audience, highlighting ways to bridge the gap between scientific experts and the general public. Following the conference, CENTURI fellows were…

CENTURI Day December 2023
CENTURI welcomed about 100 participants during its CENTURI Day on December 1st, 2023. Throughout the day, 10 speakers took turns to talk about various subjects, such as viral predation or self-organising principles in tumors. The presentations not only showcased the advancements in individual fields but also underscored the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific inquiry, a…

Recap of the 2023 CENTURI Scientific Meeting
From October 16-20, CENTURI hosted the 6th annual Scientific Meeting in the scenic town of Cargèse. The event was focused on the theme of “Information networks in biological systems”, and brought together students, researchers, and postdocs from all over. Attendees enjoyed a week full of high-quality talks on a variety of topics, such as “Network-based…

Inaugural Seminar marks start of 2023-2024 academic year for CENTURI newcomers
To celebrate the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, and to introduce our new follows to the community, CENTURI PhD and Postdocs had the opportunity to participate to an inaugural seminar, organised by PhD representatives Marvin Leria and Mirindra Ratsifandrihamanana. The event, which took place on Friday, October 6th, included a brief introduction to CENTURI…

A look back on the CENTURI Summer School – 19-30 June 2023
During 2 weeks, about 25 international participants exchanged on the Luminy campus with CENTURI scientists and engineers on major open questions in systems biology. Students from Master of Science and engineering schools with backgrounds in Physics, Mathematics and Computational Sciences, interested in applying their skills towards problems in Biology, were invited to participate in various…