CENTURI Internal newsletter
#17 - March 2020
Health situation Covid 19 and impact on CENTURI life
Due to the current health situation in France, CENTURI will not be able to organize the following events:
- CENTURI seminar : Alexandre Aulehla, March 23
- CENTURI PhD and Postdoc day, March 27 – to be rescheduled in June 2020 (if possible)
- CENTURI seminar, Ana Smith, April 6
- CENTURI seminar – Axel Magalon, April 27
- CENTURI seminar – Matt Nolan, May 18
CENTURI PhD call will take place from April 28 to April 30, 2020. We will unfortunately have to organize it by visioconference, but the evaluation procedures need to be confirmed. CENTURI will try to reschedule these events whenever possible.
Postdoc call | 8 open positions
Our postdoc call is now open!
We have collected project proposals from CENTURI research teams until March 13. CENTURI wishes to attract highly motivated postdoctoral fellows to the Luminy campus and will fund up to 8 Postdoctoral fellowships to start in October 2020, for 2 years. Postdoc candidates will also be allowed to submit their own project, provided that it meets the eligibility criteria.
The interviews will take place on June 18 and 19, 2020, if the health situation allows it; otherwise, visioconferences will be organized.
We kindly encourage you to share the projects of the call with your professional network.
Postdoc candidates from our community are encouraged to send us their projects at postdocproject@centuri-livingsystems.org
The eligibility of the proposals will be evaluated by CENTURI Research committee.
Our Postdoc call 2019-2020 agenda:
Publication of projects and opening of the call for candidates: March 17 – April 17, 2020
Preselection of candidates (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 20 – May 8, 2020
Interviews (ad hoc committee): June 18-19, 2020
Results of the call: June 24
Final answer (from candidates): July 01, 2020
3 new groups join CENTURI
We are glad to announce that 3 groups recently joined our community! These groups belong to 3 different institutes:
- Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (AFMB): A. Roussel group – Host-pathogen interactions
- Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique (LMA): E. Franceschini group – Medical Ultrasound team
- Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes (INS): V. Jirsa group – Theoretical Neurosciences Group
A description of these 3 new groups is available in the Research group section of our website.
CENTURI PhD / Postdoc Day | event postponed
CENTURI PhD and postdoc day is postponed, probably in June (if the health situation allows it). This special edition will promote the work of the Postdocs and PhD students from our community via short talks and posters.
Physics of Living Matter (PLM) is back in Marseille!
We are glad to announce that the 15th edition of the symposium Physics of Living Matter (PLM 15) will take place in Marseille, France, on October 1st and 2nd, 2020! For the second time, PLM is co-organised by Cambridge University and the Turing Centre for Living Systems. The Physics of Living Matter symposium aims at bridging Physics and Biology by bringing together scientists from life sciences, physics and computational sciences from all over the world.
In 2020, the PLM symposium will welcome 14 renowned speakers from all around the world. Oral presentations and posters will also be selected from the submitted abstracts!
Registrations to PLM 15 are now open, until September 11, at this address: https://centuri-livingsystems.org/plm15/
To give a short talk, please submit your abstract (300 words, text only) before May 10, 2020, when you complete your online registration (see template on the registration page). The number of talks being limited, a selection will be made by the Organising Committee in May. Registrations for posters are open until July 30, 2020.
CENTURI Summer School 2020
The second edition of CENTURI Summer School will take place on the Luminy campus from June 16 to June 25, 2020. The summer school is coupled with an internship program, proposing 8 funded internships in our research laboratories (3 to 6 months).
Entitled “From data to biology and back – Reverse engineering biological networks”, this interdisciplinary training programme aims to build bridges between engineers and scientists. It is a unique opportunity for MSc students and students from engineering schools with backgrounds in physics, mathematics and computational sciences to apply their skills to biological questions.
Applications deadline: May 04, 2020
Registration fees: 75€
PhD call | Update on the call
Applications to our PhD call closed on February 16th. We received applications from more than 200 candidates on 23 projects. A total of 30 candidates will be interviewed for the call, by visioconference. CENTURI PIs will be asked to discuss with the candidates, also via visioconference. The precise evaluation procedures will be detailed whenever possible.
The agenda of our 2020 PhD call is the following:
- Interviews (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 28-30, 2020
- Results of the call (ad hoc committee): May 05, 2020
- Final answer (from candidates): May 12, 2020
- Beginning of PhD: October 2020
PI call 2020 | Update on the call
Our PI call application’s deadline also ended in February. We received 50 applications and projects. 6 candidates will be interviewed in person, from May 25 to May 27, 2020.
The ad hoc evaluation committee was very satisfied with the high quality of applications.
Next CENTURI Seminars
Unless mentioned otherwise, the CENTURI seminars take place in the Hexagone's auditorium (01:30 p.m. to 02:30 p.m.).
- CANCELED External Seminar - March 09: Chloé-Agathe Azencott (Mines Paris Tech, France)
- CANCELED External Seminar - March 23: Alexander Aulehla (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany)
- CANCELED External Seminar - April 06: Ana Smith (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany)
- CANCELED Internal Seminar - April 27: Axel Magalon (LCB)