CENTURI Internal newsletter #20 June 2020
Physics of Living Matter 15 | Send us your abstract!
The 15th edition of the symposium Physics of Living Matter (PLM 15) will be organised as a free online webinar, on October 1st and 2nd, 2020. Registration for the webinar is free, but mandatory, at the following address: https://centuri-livingsystems.org/plm15/. Once registered on CENTURI website, you will receive an invitation email with the information to register to the webinar.
The short talk submission deadline has been set to June 30, 2020. Don’t hesitate to register and propose an abstract!
PI call 2020 | Update on the call
CENTURI interviews for the PI call took place from May 25 to May 27 in Marseille. The six candidates presented their research achievements and proposal in a webinar open to the entire CENTURI community. The evaluation committee was very satisfied with the level of the applicants and submitted its recommendations to CENTURI steering committee.
CENTURI decided to offer to four candidates a CENTURI Investigator position, subject to the following elements: (i) a visit in Marseille, to be organized in June or July 2020, to allow the candidates to discover the Luminy campus, meet some of their colleagues and to discuss with the Institute which will host their research group; (ii) an interview with an ad hoc committee from Aix-Marseille University, a necessary step to establish them a work contract.
More information about the outcome of these proposals in the next newsletters
Postdoc call | Update on the call
Around sixty applications were submitted for CENTURI postdoc call. After a round of selection by the projects’ supervisors and by the evaluation committee, 13 candidates will be interviewed in June, by visioconference.
The call will continue as described in the agenda below.

Our Postdoc call 2019-2020 agenda:
- Interviews (ad hoc committee): June 18-19, 2020
- Results of the call: June 24
- Final answer (from candidates): July 1, 2020
Job Offer Engineering - 2 open positions
CENTURI is seeking 2 higly motivated research engineers to fill:
- One position of data neuroscientist – neuroscience data processing
- One position of data analyst – bioinformatics
These positions (description enclosed) will be central points of data analysis, data sharing and code sharing for our research community. The 2 engineers would join our multi-engineering platform and are expected to start in September 2020.
Deadline for application: until the vacancy is filled
Gross monthly salary: between € 1,870 and € 3,500 (depending on profile and experience).
Contract: 2-year contract (renewable)
CENTURI MSc programs now open registration
As you may know, CENTURI is deeply involved in 2 interdisciplinary programs: MSc in Physics of Complex Systems and MSc in Computational & Mathematical Biology.
These programs, taught by members of our community, are especially important to us as it represents our contribution to train the next generation of scientists at the interface between biology, physics, mathematics and computer science.
Our 2 Msc programs welcome students from all around the world, registrations to our MSc goes as follows:
- Students outside or Europe: register on Campus France & Études en France (more information here: https://www.univ-amu.fr/en/public/register-aix-marseille-university
Registration status: open
- Students from Europe: directly register on the eCandidat platform
Registration status: open
As usual please feel free to share the info about our 2 MSc with your network.
PUBLICATION | Turning the body into a clock
Entitlted “Turning the body into a clock: Accurate timing is facilitated by simple stereotyped interactions with the environment”, this article (published in April) is the result of a colaboration between 2 of our partner institute : the INMED and the IRPHE. The article is signed by Mostafa Safaie (INMED), Maria-Teresa Jurado-Parras (INMED), Stefania Sarno (INMED), Jordane Louis (INMED), Corane Karoutchi (INMED), Ludovic F. Petit (INMED), Matthieu (INMED) O. Pasquet (INMED), Christophe Eloy (IRPHE), and David Robbe (INMED).
Abstract: How animals perceive, or sense elapsed time, is not well understood, especially when considering timescales of a few seconds. One influential idea is that the brain generates a representation of time that serves as an internal clock. Alternatively, animals could take advantage of salient physical features of the environment to develop sequences of movements whose duration approximate the time intervals to estimate.
ERC advanced - Tam Mignot
Congratulation to Tam Mignot (LCB) for being recipient of an ERC advanced grant! Tam’s project “A Multi-Scale Approach to Bacterial Predation” or JAWS is 1 of 11 CNRS project that is benefiting from this ERC advanced grant.
CENTURI Webinar Series
- Internal Webinar - June 29: Benoit Ballester (TAGC)
Challenges in the integration of omic data : the ReMap example