CENTURI 2021 Scientific meeting | Oct.18 to Oct. 22, 2021
Event cancelled.

CENTURI Scientific Day #5 - PhD / Postdoc Day | November 20, 2020
Our last CENTURI PhD & Postdoc day took place on November 20, as an online event.
This special edition of our CENTURI scientific day promoted the work of Postdocs and PhD students from our community via 17 talks and 18 posters. The event gathered 172 members of our community throughout the day.

Physics of Living Matter 15 | Oct. 01 & 02, 2020
The 15th edition of the symposium Physics of Living Matter (PLM 15) took place on October 1st and 2nd, 2020! Due to the epidemics, PLM15 was organised as a free online webinar
For the second time, PLM was co-organised by Cambridge University and the Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI). The Physics of Living Matter symposium aims at bridging Physics and Biology by bringing together scientists from life sciences, physics and computational sciences from all over the world.
The PLM symposium welcomed 14 renowned speakers from all around the world. 12 Oral presentations were also selected from the submitted abstracts.
More than 800 participants joined us each day, with always more than 200 attendees simultaneously connected on Zoom! Our slack channel also hosted discussions between speakers and participants, more than 400 people joined the channel to continue the Q&A sessions and exchange ideas.

CENTURI Scientific Day #4 | November 22, 2019
The fourth CENTURI Scientific day, focusing on Imaging, took place on November 22, on the Joseph Aiguier campus.
More than 125 members of our community gathered to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations and projects within our community and discuss about new CENTURI PhD and postdoc calls.
This day included three sessions on:
- Imaging and instrument development
- Data science - algorithms and numerical methods
- Imaging challenges in biology
A total of 21 short talks and 12 posters were presented to our community. The scientific photo contest saw 18 members of our community competing for the “Best CENTURI scientific picture” title.

CENTURI 2019 Scientific meeting | Sept. 30 to Oct. 04, 2019
In early October 2019, the Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI) organised the 2019 edition of its annual scientific meeting. Entitled “Self-organization in multicellular systems”, the conference gathered in Cargèse (Corsica, France) for 5 days about 90 participants from all over the world from September 30 to October 04, 2019.
The conference brought together scientists developing experimental, theoretical as well as modelling approaches in the search for principles that underlie the similar spatial and temporal organisation and dynamics across scales and biological contexts.
The programme was composed of 18 invited talks, 16 selected talks, and two long poster sessions, which gave PhD, postdocs and permanent scientists a wonderful opportunity to exchange about their research findings and insights in a friendly atmosphere. The programme also included a keynote lecture by Guy Theraulaz (Université Paul Sabatier) entitled “Self-organization in social insects”.

CENTURI Scientific Day #3 | May 22, 2019
The third edition of the CENTURI Scientific Day took place on May 10, 2019. This edition gathered more than 100 hundred members of the CENTURI community at the Hexagone (Luminy campus). 16 short scientific presentations took place during the whole day as well as a poster session during the coffee break.

CENTURI Scientific Day #2 | November 30, 2018
The second edition of the CENTURI Scientific Day took place on November 30, 2018. This internal event is an opportunity for members of CENTURI community to converse and present interdisciplinary projects. The goal of this event was to foster new collaborations and provide our community with an occasion to learn more about the work of their fellow members via talks and poster sessions.
A recap of CENTURI activities also took place during the event in the form of round tables. The committees (Research, Education, Engineering, etc.) took turn to answer questions of our community questions and present the projects that took place since the kickoff meeting in 2017 and the projects to come in the upcoming months.

Physics of Living Matter 13 | Sept. 11 & 12, 2018
On September 11 & 12 2018, the Institute for the Physics of Living Systems (UCL-IPLS) and the Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI) co-organised the 13th edition of the symposium Physics of Living Matter (PLM). More than 130 participants from all over the world gathered in Marseille for two days shared their latest research findings.
PLM 13 welcomed more than 130 participants who discussed in a very open way their research findings on living systems. The programme was composed of 22 speakers including short communications given by young scientists (mainly PhD students and postdocs) and invited communications by more senior scientists. The programme also included 2 keynote speakers, Benjamin D. Simons (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) and Terrence Hwa (University of California – San Diego, USA), who gave, respectively, the Turing and Bragg lectures.
Two poster sessions with a total of 64 posters also provided an opportunity for young scientists to present their recent research and facilitate interactions.

CENTURI Scientific Day #1 | March 13 & 14, 2017
CENTURI kickoff meeting took place on March 13 & 14, 2017. This event also counts as the first CENTURI Scientific Day, a serie of internal event designed to gather members of the CENTURI community. The kickoff meeting gathered the whole CENTURI community for 2 days at Carry-le-Rouet, the goal was for members of the community to meet each other and learn more about CENTURI future projects.