CENTURI Internal newsletter

#5 - February 2019

CENTURI welcomes its 4 new PIs

A year ago, CENTURI launched its first PI call, which led to the recruitment of four high-level scientists. We are now very happy to officially welcome these 4 new PIs in CENTURI:

  • Matthias Merkel - Self-organization and collective effects in living systems team team (CPT)

matthias.merkel@cpt.univ-mrs.fr and matthias.merkel@univ-amu.fr

  • Hervé Rouault - Theoretical neuroscience team (CPT)


  • Jean-François Rupprecht - Out-of-equilibrium Mechanics team (CPT)


  • Paul Villoutreix - Data Science and Developmental Biology team (QARMA team – LIS)

paul.villoutreix@univ-amu.fr and paul.villoutreix@lis-lab.fr


Matthias Merkel, Hervé Rouault, Jean-François Rupprecht and Paul Villoutreix joined CENTURI between January 21 and February 4. Please welcome them in our community!

They will all give a CENTURI seminar in the following weeks to present their research achievement and perspectives.

They are currently recruiting PhD students to join their team, see the advertised positions in the recruitment section of our website.

CENTURI Postdoc call 2019 – Send us your projects

CENTURI is organizing another call for postdoctoral fellowships this year and will fund up to 5 postdoctoral positions to start in the fall of 2019, for a maximum of two years. Members of our community are encouraged to submit their project at the following address: postdocproject@centuri-livingsystems.org

Deadline: March 15, 2019

Postdoc projects that had been pre-selected for the 2018 call can be resubmitted.


Project applications will be evaluated as they are received by CENTURI Research committee and be advertised on the CENTURI website, once they have been approved. Selected projects will be advertised on CENTURI’s website until the end of the call, April 26, 2019. Research teams who host a postdoc recruited in CENTURI 2018 postdoc call are not eligible for the 2019 postdoc call.


An ad hoc evaluation committee will evaluate the applications and select the candidates chosen for an interview. Interviewed candidates will be evaluated by the ad hoc committee, representing CENTURI disciplines.


Calendar – dates

  • Project submission (projects from CENTURI research teams and post-docs willing to propose their own project): February 7 – March 15, 2019
  • Publication of projects and opening of the call for candidates: February 7 (after the eligibility check) – April 26, 2019
  • Preselection of candidates (PIs and evaluation committee): April 30 – May 17, 2019
  • Interviews (evaluation committee): June 27-28, 2019
  • Results of the call: July 1st, 2019
  • Final answer (from candidates): July 11, 2019

3rd CENTURI Scientific day

Our 3rd CENTURI Scientific day will take place on May 10, 2019, in the afternoon. The third CENTURI scientific day will focus on “Modelling in Biology” and will aim at fostering new interdisciplinary collaborations and projects within our community.

We encourage members of our community to propose short oral presentations (8-10 minutes), focusing on new collaboration projects and/or needs. A total of 16 short talks will be selected by the organization committee. Presentations should focus on the interdisciplinary projects you would like to develop and for which you’re looking for a partner lab. A poster session will also be organized, to facilitate scientific interactions.

This scientific day will also be an opportunity to present CENTURI new research groups.

If you are interested in giving a short presentation or presenting a poster during that day, please write an email describing shortly the title of your talk or poster and a short description (3-4 lines) to Simon Legendre (simon.legendre@univ-amu.fr), by April 10 at the latest. A cocktail party will also be organised after the event to exchange about the projects presented during the event.

CENTURI Summer School 2019 – From data to biology and back

CENTURI is organising a Summer School on the Luminy campus from June 3 to June 12, 2019, entitled “From data to biology and back – Reverse engineering biological networks”.

This interdisciplinary training program is open to students from French engineering schools (2nd and 3rd-year students). It is a unique opportunity for engineering students to apply their skills in mathematics, physics and computational science to biological questions.

The summer school is divided in 2 parts:

  • Morning courses, where students will explore open questions in biology and discover experimental approaches in biology
  • Group projects in the afternoon, where students will work in small groups (3-4 students) on biological data analysis challenges, using state-of-the-art technologies


The summer school is also coupled with an internship program, proposing funded internships in our research laboratories (3 to 6 months). Students can apply for the internship program alone, for the summer school alone, or for both.

CENTURI Training Course – A focus on imaging (April 01-04, 18 & 23-24, 2019)

CENTURI is organizing a training course called “A focus on imaging”, an introduction to the most advanced and popular techniques used in microscopy, image analysis and programming. It will include high-level courses and hands-on practical work with members from our community (CIML, IBDM, IMM, INMED, LAI).

“A focus on imaging” is divided in 2 parts:

  • April 01-04: Optics and Imaging Techniques 1
  • April 18 & 23-24: Image Techniques 2, Analysis and Programming


This module is open to PhD students (1st and 2nd year) from the CENTURI community.

Deadline for application: March 07, 2019

Reminder - 4 engineering positions open at CENTURI multi-engineering platform

CENTURI is currently looking for highly-motivated engineers to join its multiengineering platform.

4 positions are currently open:


These positions are advertised online until February 22, in the recruitment section of our website: https://centuri-livingsystems.org/recruitment/

Feel free to spread the word with your professional network!

Next CENTURI Seminars

Unless mentioned otherwise, the CENTURI seminars take place in the Hexagone's auditorium (1.30 pm to 2.30 pm).


  • Internal Seminar - February 25: Matthias Merkel (CENTURI - CPT, Marseille, France)

Self-organization and collective effects in living systems

  • External Seminar - March 04: Ulrike Feudel (Carl Von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenbourg, Germany)


  • Internal Seminar - March 18: Paul Villoutreix (CENTURI - LIS, Marseille, France)

From large image datasets to scientific insights in Developmental biology

Variability and robustness in morphogenesis


  • External Seminar - April 29: Claire Wyart (ICM, Paris, France)

Investigation of interoceptive sensory pathways involved in physiology of the spinal cord and organogenesis

  • External Seminar - May 13: Georges Debrégeas (Laboratoire Jean Perrin, Paris, France)


  • External Seminar - June 24: Atef Asnacios (Université Paris Diderot, France)



Our events calendar