Physics of Living Matter 16September 27 & 28, 2022
The event
Physics of Living Matter 16 - 2022
The PLM series started 15 years ago from an interest to promote the interface between the Life and Physical Sciences in Cambridge.
Over the years, PLM has grown from a local meeting to a popular international event that attracts interdisciplinary scientists from all around the world. Since 2018, a new partner has joined PLM: the Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI, Aix-Marseille University, France) and the 2018 PLM symposium took place in Marseille. Registration for the conference in Marseille will give you video access to the one in Cambridge and vice versa.
This year, the conference has been divided into two parts:
- September 27 & 28 in France : organized by CENTURI, this part of the event will take place at the Palais du Pharo, in Marseille, with an online access for Cambridge participants.
- September 29 & 30 in England : organized by Cambridge University, this part of the event will take place in Cambridge, with an online access for Marseille participants.
Registration deadline: September 10, 2022
Deadline for short talks abstract submission: July 6, 2022
Deadline for poster abstract submission:
September 10, 2022

This event is now full. You can no longer register.
Organizing committee:
- Elsa Bazellieres (IBDM)
- Jérôme Epsztein (INMED)
- Emmanuèle Helfer (CINAM)
- Pierre-Francois Lenne (IBDM)
- Thomas Lecuit (IBDM)
- Pierre Ronceray (CPT)
The program
CENTURI is happy to welcome 14 invited speakers :
- KEYNOTE speaker
Jean-François Joanny (Collège de France, Paris)
- Alexander Aulehla (EMBL, Heidelberg)
- Sophie Brasselet (Institut Fresnel, Marseille)
- Chase Broedersz (LMU, Munich)
- Otger Campàs (TU Dresden)
- Colomban de Vargas (CNRS, Sorbonne Univ)
- Natalie Dye (TU Dresden)
- Alberto Elosegui (The Francis Crick Institute, London)
- Ila Fiete (MIT, Cambridge, MA)
- Gijsje Koenderink (TU Delft)
- Zeynep Ökten (TU München)
- Amy Shyer (The Rockefeller University, New-York)
- Paul Villoutreix (LIS, Marseille)
- Claire Wyart (ICM, Paris)
The venue
CENTURI will held the first part of the Physics of Living Matter 16 at the Palais du Pharo (Marseille, France).
Palais du Pharo
58 Bd Charles Livon,
13007 Marseille
Registration fees:
Students: 80€ HT - 88€ TVA included
Academics : 125€ HT - 137,5 TVA included
Registered participants will receive a web link to pay the payment fees in early September.