The CENTURI Master of Computational and Mathematical Biology (CMB) aims to teach the analysis and the modelling of complex biological systems. Computational and Mathematical Biology accepts bachelor students with a background in Mathematics, Biology or Computer Science. Students with a BSc in Biology are requested to have already minored in either Mathematics or Computer science.
This Master is structured around 3 different 2-year degrees: Statistics, Mathematical modeling and Bioinformatics. These 3 majors lead students to address the new challenges of complex biological systems.
While specialising on a major in their own field, students share courses and interdisciplinary projects. Independently from their major, every student will follow courses in Computer Science, Mathematics and Biology.
Part of the formation consists in gathering students from the different CMB majors to conduct interdisciplinary projects that will prepare them to research internships and professional careers.
Computational and Mathematical Biology is an international MSc with a strong emphasis placed on students' future professional careers. As such, lectures are taught in English, which is the language most commonly used in research.
What for ?
The CENTURI Master of Computational and Mathematical Biology leads to an Aix-Marseille University degree and prepares students for scientific research. With this Master’s degree, graduates will be qualified for international research institutes as a PhD student or a Research engineer in data analysis, biological systems modelling, analysis of interaction networks, etc.
Graduates also have the opportunity to join private companies’ R&D departments in health care, pharmacology, biosystems and more generally to work on big data issues.
Aix-Marseille University is committed to ensure the safety of its students and teachers. Therefore, courses and seminars may be organized online if the health situation requires it.
Mathematics Major
Students of both majors will be taught mathematical tools for modelling (discrete and continuous dynamical systems) and statistical tools for interpreting biological data. Other courses in computing and biology will also be taught in these majors.
Statistics and Data Science major
Students will more particularly deepen their knowledge in statistics and big data in view of exploration, analysis, interpretation and prediction of biological data. Students will share some courses with MSc "Applied Mathematics and Statistics - Data Science".
Math modelling major
This major is dedicated to the analysis of interaction networks involved in different types of biological processes
(embryonic developmental, nervous system, immune response) in order to understand the relationship between
network structure and the behaviour of complex biological systems.
Computational Biology Major
Students of both majors will be taught mathematical tools for modelling (discrete and continuous dynamical systems) and statistical tools for interpreting biological data. Other courses in computing and biology will also be taught in these majors.

Applications and scholarships
How can I join CMB ?
European students can join the Master by sending an application through eCandidat.
Students who live outside of the EU (list below) can apply by sending an application through the platform called "Etudes en France". This platform is working in association with the Campus France network which includes 68 countries.
Countries in the Campus France network:
Algeria, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon,Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, United States Vietnam.
If you are a citizen of a country not included in the previous list, you have to apply through the ecandidat platform of Aix-Marseille University. If you encounter any probleme, please contact us at
The Master Computational and Mathematical Biology is affiliated to 3 Masters of Science degrees (Aix-Marseille Université):
- Math modelling major: MSc Mathematics and applications
- Statistics and Data Science majoy: MSc Applied Mathematics, statistics
- Bioinformatics major: MSC Bioinformatics
Please note that you have to pick the Computational and Mathematical Biology track when you select your MSc.
Link to Mon master :
More Information:
Link to Études en France :
More Information:
CENTURI Scholarships
Two scholarships will be awarded to CMB Master students for the University year 2024-2025. Aix-Marseille University will finance you up to €10,000 for one academic year and reserve a room for you in a CROUS university residence.
CMB Scholarships are granted on academic results .
Students can apply to a CMB scholarship until May 15 for both students using Etudes en France campus france procedure and Mon Master procedure
Eligibility conditions:
- Incoming Master 1 student
- not have been enrolled in a higher education institution in France
- not be French
CMB students are expected to carry out two internships during their Master:
- One internship lasting at least six weeks, during the first year of the Master
- Another internship lasting 4 to 6 months during the second year of the Master
Here are some examples of internships carried out in 2022 by CMB M2 students
Internship at IBDM, Marseille, France
Internship title: From molecular diffusion to organ formation: Tracking endocytosis across scales in the developing embryo
Internship objectives:
- Understanding the image formation process in fluorescence microscopy.
- Modeling biodynamics under constrains of computational scalability.
- Bayesian filtering for biodynamics.
- Interdisciplinary communication
Internship at I2M, Marseille, France
Internship title: Unsupervised motion estimation for the exploration of molecular processes in 3D light-sheet microscopy
Internship objectives:
- Understanding the image formation process in fluorescence microscopy.
- Modeling biodynamics under constrains of computational scalability.
- Bayesian filtering for biodynamics.
- Interdisciplinary communication.
- Formulating biological hypothesis and quantitatively interrogate them