CENTURI Internal newsletter

#11 - September 2019

New CENTURI Engineers

CENTURI is glad to welcome three new engineers for its multi-engineering Platform:

  • Benoit Dehapiot, data analyst – image data processing
  • Masoud Sharbaf, software engineer
  • Thomas Vannier, Data analyst – bioinformatics


More information on the organization of the platform and on the new engineers skills and missions to come soon!

CENTURI 2019 Scientific meeting

Our CENTURI 2019 scientific meeting (CSM2019) will take place in Cargèse, Corsica, from September 30 to October 05, 2019.

CSM2019 is an interdisciplinary scientific conference that will focus on “Self-organization in multicellular systems”. It will welcome 18 high-level speakers, 16 short talks and 31 posters.

An update on CENTURI Postdoc Call 2019

Our Research committee has scheduled our 2019-2020 recruitment campain. As usual, calls for projects will be sent to you in advance. However we can now give the agendas for our next PhD and Postdoctoral call.

PhD call 2019-2020 - agenda

  • Collection of PhD projects from research teams: November 18-December 31, 2019
  • Publication of projects and opening of the call for candidates: January 15- February 16, 2002
  • Pre-selection of candidates (PIs who proposed a project and ad hoc committee): February 17– March 13, 2020
  • Interviews (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 22-24, 2020
  • Results of the call (ad hoc committee): April 28, 2020
  • Final answer (from candidates): May 7, 2020
  • Beginning of PhD: October 2020

Postdoc call 2019-2020 - agenda

  • Project submission (projects from CENTURI research teams): February 3 – March 13, 2020
  • Project submission (post-docs willing to propose their own project): February 3 – April 17, 2020
  • Publication of projects and opening of the call for candidates: February 3 (after the eligibility check) – April 17, 2020
  • Preselection of candidates (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 20 – May 8, 2020
  • Interviews (ad hoc committee): June 18-19, 2020
  • Results of the call: June 24
  • Final answer (from candidates): July 1, 2020

PhD and postdocs Seminars

CENTURI organizes, from October 2019, short internal seminars, given by PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from the CENTURI community (i.e. working in a laboratory which is part of CENTURI).

The PhD and postdocs seminar will last a total of 10 minutes (8 minutes of presentation 2 minutes for questions) and will be followed by an internal CENTURI seminar given by a PI. Presentations will be made on a voluntary basis. If you are interested in this opportunity to present your work to the CENTURI community, please let us know by sending an email to Loïc Le Goff (loic.legoff@fresnel.fr),  Alphée Michelot (alphee.michelot@univ-amu.fr) and to Simon Legendre (simon.legendre@univ-amu.fr).

Based on your answers, we will prepare a program for PhD and postdoc seminars for the University year 2019-2020.

REMINDER – 4th CENTURI Scientific day – Imaging – November 22

The fourth CENTURI day will focus on Imaging and will take place on November 22, the whole day, on Joseph Aiguier campus.

CENTURI scientific day aim at fostering new interdisciplinary collaborations and projects within our community and at encouraging applications to CENTURI PhD and postdoc calls. We invite you to propose short oral presentations (8-10 minutes), focusing on new collaboration projects and/or needs. A total of 20 short talks will be selected by the organization committee.

This day will include three sessions on:

1) Imaging and instrument development

2) Data science - algorithms and numerical methods

3) Imaging challenges in biology

© Claudio Cortes - Team Kelly (IBDM)
© Claudio Cortes - Team Kelly (IBDM)

If you are interested in giving a short presentation or presenting a poster during that day, please write an email describing shortly the title of your talk or poster and a short description (3-4 lines) to Simon Legendre (simon.legendre@univ-amu.fr), by October 11 at the latest.

This Imaging edition will also host a scientific image contest! It will be the opportunity for you to share the beautiful images that you take during your experiments. To participate, you have to send your image (1 per person & 300 dpi minimum) to Gael LE MEHAUTE (gael.le-mehaute@univ-amu.fr) before October 25, 2019. The images will be displayed during the poster session so please make sure that you have the rights to share the file and don’t forget to add the following information:

  • Title of the picture
  • A quick nonscientific explanation of the content (bear in mind that colleagues from other fields will also be present)


A prize will be awarded to the winner of the contest at the end of the poster session.

CENTURI Training course – Cell biology by the numbers (November 4-8, 2019)

The second edition of the training course entitled “Cell Biology by the Numbers” by Rob Phillips (California Institute of technology, USA) will take place from November 4 to November 8, 2019. The course « Cell biology by the numbers » will highlight the key numbers which describe the lives of the cells and the necessary efforts to provide definitive statements about their value.

Master 2 and PhD students in biology, post-doctoral fellows will be welcome to apply for the training course. The course is limited to 40 participants and selection will be made on a first-come first-served basis.

Application deadline: October 25, 2019

© Rob Phillips
© Rob Phillips

CENTURI Tutored seminar

CENTURI is pursuing and extending the organization of tutored seminars for PhD students (mostly) coupled with CENTURI external seminars.

These tutored seminars are aimed primarily at PhD students, but are also open to postdoctoral fellows and M2 students. The external seminars (always on Monday at 01.30 p.m.) will be followed by an hour-long informal discussion between the speaker and the PhD and postdocs who have registered, at 02.45 p.m.

To prepare the seminar and the following discussion, participants are asked to read two scientific articles suggested by the speaker & participate in a scientific discussion, coordinated by the host of the speaker. This meeting will be organized a few days before the seminar (when possible on Friday), to discuss about the content of the scientific articles.

Participation in at least four of these tutored seminars is mandatory for PhD students with a CENTURI PhD contract. These hours can be included in your 100 hours of doctoral training.

CENTURI Seminar series 2020 - 2021 | Suggestions of speakers

The program for our 2019-2020 CENTURI seminars is now finalized.

Our CENTURI Seminars and Research committees is now receiving suggestion of speakers for our 2020-2021 season of our CENTURI Seminar series.

In summary, invited speakers should respect the following criteria:

1) their research topic should be interesting for the broader CENTURI community

2) their talk should be aimed at a broad interdisciplinary audience of biologists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, from senior scientists to Master and PhD students. The suggested speakers shall therefore be able to speak to such a diverse audience


Please be aware that if you suggest a speaker, you will be the official host of the speaker. As such, you will be responsible for organising the schedule of the visit as well as the tutored seminar that will take place. All other aspects (accommodation and flights) will be taken care of by the CENTURI management team.  


To suggest a seminars, please send your form to Simon Legendre (simon.legendre@univ-amu.fr)

Deadline: October 20, 2019

Next CENTURI Seminars

Unless mentioned otherwise, the CENTURI seminars take place in the Hexagone's auditorium (01:30 p.m. to 02:30 p.m.).

  • External Seminar (Amphi 12, Bat. B - Luminy campus) - October 14: Alain Goriely (Oxford University, UK) 

Modelling dementia

Upside-Down and Inside-Out: The Biomechanics of Cell Sheet Folding

Upside-Down and Inside-Out: The Biomechanics of Cell Sheet Folding




Our events calendar