CENTURI Internal newsletter

#13 - November 2019

CENTURI 2019-2020 | PhD call – send us your projects

Save the dates - PhD call 2020

The call for PhD project proposals started on November 18. We encourage members of our community to send us their projects at the following address: phdproject@centuri-livingsystems.org The eligibility of the project will be evaluated by CENTURI Research committee.

We wish to remind you that our CENTURI 2020 PhD call will open in January 2020. CENTURI will recruit up to 16 PhD students in this call, starting on October 2020.

The agenda of our 2020 PhD call is the following:

  • Collection of PhD projects from research teams: November 18 - December 31, 2019
  • Publication of projects and opening of the call for candidates: January 15- February 16, 2002
  • Pre-selection of candidates (PIs who proposed a project and ad hoc committee): February 17– March 13, 2020
  • Interviews (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 22-24, 2020
  • Results of the call (ad hoc committee): April 28, 2020
  • Final answer (from candidates): May 7, 2020
  • Beginning of PhD: October 2020

CENTURI PI call 2020 | Save the dates!

CENTURI PI call will open in January 2020! CENTURI seeks to attract outstanding computer scientists, physicists, or mathematicians with a theoretical and/or computational biology project.

Applications from female researchers are especially encouraged.

The selected candidates, who are expected to bridge biology and other disciplines will be affiliated to two institutes from the CENTURI project and will be offered competitive funding.


Applications will open in January 2020.

2nd CENTURI Engineer's Breakfast / Open Desk

The second CENTURI Engineers’ Breakfast / open desk will take place on Tuesday, December 10 at the INMED’s cafeteria.

Members of our community are kindly invited to join our multi-engineering team anytime from 09h00 to 12h00.

You can contact them before that by using the following address: engineering@centuri-livingsystems.org

The CENTURI Engineers’ Breakfasts aim to encourage new scientific interactions within our community and to propose an open desk where you can ask all your engineering questions in bioinformatics, image data processing, optics and software development.

Please take your data or images with you, CENTURI engineers will be happy to advise and help you.

A look back at CENTURI Scientific day – Imaging – November 22

The fourth CENTURI Scientific day, focusing on Imaging, took place on November 22, on the Joseph Aiguier campus.

More than 125 members of our community gathered to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations and projects within our community and discuss about new CENTURI PhD and postdoc calls.

This day included three sessions on:

  • Imaging and instrument development
  • Data science - algorithms and numerical methods
  • Imaging challenges in biology

A total of 21 short talks and 12 posters were presented to our community. The scientific photo contest saw 18 members of our community competing for the “Best CENTURI scientific picture” title. The jury composed of the organization committee awarded the winning price to Jessica Colombo (IBDM – team Michelot) and her photo entitled “The Actin and the Ballon”.

CENTURI Training course – Oral communication (December 02 & 09, 2019)


A new session of the training course on “Oral communication” will take place in December. The course is full, another session will be organised in Spring 2020.

This 2-day training course is designed to teach student how to create fascinating oral presentations, customized for your audience. Students will first learn methodologies to design clear talks and use them to improve their talk. On the second day, students will each present their talk and benefit from individual feedback from the trainer and other trainees.


CENTURI Scientific Advisory Board will take place in Marseille on January 30 and 31, 2020. Heads of CENTURI committees will present our actions since the beginning of the project and our perspectives for the years ahead. It will be a great opportunity to reflect on the past months and to clarify our strategy our activities by 2025. The program of the SAB is not finalized yet, but the introduction and presentation of our activities will be open to the CENTURI community.


CENTURI SAB includes:

- Alexander Bockmayr, Freie Universität (Berlin)

- Gaudenz Danuser, UT Southwestern (Dallas)

- Kenneth Harris, University College London

- Alfonso Valencia, Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute

- Aleksandra Walczak, ENS (Paris)

CENTURI Training course – Cell biology by the numbers (November 4-8, 2019)

The second edition of the training course entitled “Cell Biology by the Numbers” by Rob Phillips (California Institute of technology, USA) took place from November 4 to November 8, 2019. More than 40 PhD students, postdocs and researchers participated in this second edition. The course « Cell biology by the numbers » highlighted the key numbers which describe the lives of the cells and the necessary efforts to provide definitive statements about their value.

Rob Phillips (Caltech, USA) lecture during the training course "Cell biology by the numbers". (Novermber 219)

Next CENTURI Seminars

Unless mentioned otherwise, the CENTURI seminars take place in the Hexagone's auditorium (01:30 p.m. to 02:30 p.m.).

  • External Seminar - December 09 (Amphi 12, Bat. B): Patrick Tabeling (ESPCI, Paris, France)

Microfluidics, droplets, foams, photonics, cell culture

Mechanosensation of tight junctions by ZO-1 phase separation and flow

  • External Seminar - January 20: Carsten Grashoff (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany)

Our events calendar