CENTURI Internal newsletter
#10 - July 2019
CENTURI 2019 scientific meeting– poster submission & participant registration

©Claire Bertet et Thomas Lecuit (IBDM)
We remind you that registrations for a poster or as a participant for CENTURI 2019 Scientific meeting remain open until July 30, 2020. The meeting will include 18 talks given by high-level invited speakers from all over the world, as well as 15 short talks and 2 poster sessions.
We remind you that CENTURI 2019 scientific meeting is an interdisciplinary scientific conference that will focus on “Self-organization in multicellular systems”. This edition will take place in Cargèse, Corsica, from September 30 to October 04, 2019.
Registration & abstract submission deadline: July 30, 2019
Registration fees: 300€
An update on CENTURI Postdoc Call 2019

Following the postdoc interviews that took place on June 27 & 28, 5 candidates have been selected for the call:
- Morgan Chabanon, supervised by Kheya Sengupta (CINAM) and Stéphane Méresse (CIML)
- Céline Dinet, supervised by Alphée Michelot (IBDM) and Tâm Mignot (LCB)
- Stefan Harmansa, own project, supervised by Thomas Lecuit (IBDM) and Raphaël Clément (IBDM)
- Jain Rikesh, own project, supervised by Tâm Mignot (LCB) and Bianca Habermann (IBDM)
- Solène Song, supervised by Olivier Théodoly (LAI), Marc Bajenoff (CIML) and Paul Villoutreix (LIS)
Should they accept CENTURI offer, the selected postdoctoral fellows will join CENTURI from September 2019.
PhD and postdocs Seminars
CENTURI organizes, from October 2019, short internal seminars, given by PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from the CENTURI community (i.e. working in a laboratory which is part of CENTURI).
The PhD and postdocs seminar will last a total of 10 minutes (8 minutes of presentation 2 minutes for questions) and will be followed by an internal CENTURI seminar given by a PI. Presentations will be made on a voluntary basis. If you are interested in this opportunity to present your work to the CENTURI community, please let us know by sending an email to Loïc Le Goff (loic.legoff@fresnel.fr), Alphée Michelot (alphee.michelot@univ-amu.fr) and to (simon.legendre@univ-amu.fr).
Based on your answers, we will prepare a program for PhD and postdoc seminars for the University year 2019-2020.
#JOB OFFER | CENTURI is seeking 4 highly motivated research engineers
CENTURI is opening 4 new engineer positions in its Multiengineering platform.
The following positions are open to applications and advertised in the recruitment section of our website:
- Data analyst: bioinformatics
- Data analyst: image data processing

Deadline for application: September 06, 2019
We encourage you to and to share the offer with your professional network, and, in general, to publicize it as widely as possible.
CENTURI Training course - Paper writing (Sept. 16-18, 2019)

CENTURI is organizing from September 16 to 18 a training course called "Paper writing". This training course is designed to teach PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows how to write a scientific paper and get it published.
The course is limited to 12 participants. Please note that priority will be given to 3rd and 4th year PhD students.
- Planning and outlining your article
- Being complete and convincing
- Being clear and concise
- Publishing
Save the date – CENTURI Training course – Cell biology by the numbers (November 4-8, 2019)
The second edition of the training course entitled “Cell Biology by the Numbers” by Rob Phillips (California Institute of technology, USA) will take place from November 4 to November 8, 2019. The course « Cell biology by the numbers » will highlight the key numbers which describe the lives of the cells and the necessary efforts to provide definitive statements about their value.
This course, intended for biologists, will provide participants with the appropriate mathematical tools to apprehend and explore the key numbers of cell biology and many key physico-chemical processes.
Master 2 and PhD students in biology, post-doctoral fellows will be welcome to apply for the training course.
Save the date for the workshop, more information will be sent to you and advertised on our website by October 2019.

Save the date – 4th CENTURI Scientific day – Imaging – November 22, 2019
The fourth CENTURI day will focus on Imaging and will take place on November 22, the whole day, on Joseph Aiguier campus.
CENTURI scientific day aim at fostering new interdisciplinary collaborations and projects within our community and at encouraging applications to CENTURI PhD and postdoc calls. We invite you to propose short oral presentations (8-10 minutes), focusing on new collaboration projects and/or needs. A total of 20 short talks will be selected by the organization committee.
This day will include three sessions on:
- Imaging and instrument development
- Data science - algorithms and numerical methods
- Imaging challenges in biology

If you are interested in giving a short presentation or presenting a poster during that day, please write an email describing shortly the title of your talk or poster and a short description (3-4 lines) to Simon Legendre (simon.legendre@univ-amu.fr), by October 11 at the latest.
Please note that a Scientific photography contest, open to all participants, will also take place during the event. More information about the contest will be sent to you later. Stay tuned!
Next CENTURI Seminars
Unless mentioned otherwise, the CENTURI seminars take place in the Hexagone's auditorium (01:30 p.m. to 02:30 p.m.).
- Internal Seminar - July 08: Cécile Capponi (LIS)
An humble testament of the couple bio/Machine learning research: when a variety meets another variety
- Internal Seminar - September 09: Kheya Sengupta (CINAM)
- External Seminar - September 16: Michael Way (Francis Crick Institute, London, UK)
New levels of complexity in actin polymerization
- Internal Seminar - October 07: Philippe Pierre (CIML)
Translating Immunity
- External Seminar - October 14: Alain Goriely (Oxford University, UK)
Modelling dementia
- External Seminar - November 04: Raymond Goldstein (University of Cambridge, UK)
- External Seminar - November 18: Marie Doumic (INRIA, Paris, France) & Wei-Feng XUE (University of Kent, UK)