CENTURI Internal newsletter

#4 - January 2019

CENTURI PhD call 2019 – 12 open positions

CENTURI wishes to attract talented PhD students to the Luminy campus. To do so, CENTURI will fund up to 12 PhD fellowships to start in 2019, for three years.

PhD students will work in an interdisciplinary life science environment, and have backgrounds in any of the following fields: cell or developmental biology, immunology, neurobiology, biophysics, theoretical physics, computer science, bioinformatics, applied mathematics, engineering.

Candidates can apply to a maximum of 3 projects. They can also submit their own project, provided that it is supported by one of our community’s team and that the project follows the application criteria.

CENTURI PhD call 2019 is open for applications until February 15. Do not hesitate to spread the word about the call!

Preselected candidates will be invited for interviews in April 2019 (23-26).

CENTURI is recruiting four engineers within its multiengineering platform

CENTURI is looking for highly motivated engineers to join its multi-engineering platform.

4 positions are currently open:


These positions are advertised online until February 22, in the recruitment section of our website: https://centuri-livingsystems.org/recruitment/

Once again, feel free to spread the word with your professional network!

CENTURI Postdoc call 2019 – 7 recruitments

A total of 17 candidates have been interviewed by an ad hoc evaluation committee on January 10 and 11, 2019. The researchers who had proposed a project were also invited to attend the auditions. After a thorough evaluation process, 8 candidates have been selected by the committee and 7 will join CENTURI, between April and September 2019.

The laureates of this call are:

  • Damien Courtine, project “Global and local genome sequence analysis to understand fungal virulence”, under the supervision of Jonathan Ewbank (CIML), Laurent Tichit (I2M) and Guillaume Blanc (MIO).
  • Sham Tlili, project “Mechanics of gastrulation in mammals using a minimal in vitro system”, under the supervision of Pierre-François Lenne (IBDM), Xavier Leoncini (CPT) and Olivier Theodoly (LAI).
  • Saswati Saha, project “Systems genetics: Developing new approaches integrating network analyses and modeling to elucidate the genetic mechanisms underlying cardiac aging in Drosophila”, under the supervision of Christine Brun (TAGC) and Laurent Perrin (TAGC).
  • Stefania Sarno, project “Why animals learn the way they do? An experimentally driven computational approach », under the supervision of Christophe ELOY (IRPHE) and David Robbe (INMED).
  • Clara Sidor, project “Muscle building: Bridging molecular order to macroscopic morphogenesis”, under the supervision of Frank Schnorrer (IBDM) and Sophie Brasselet (Institut Fresnel).
  • Fabio Manca, project “Modeling mechanosensing of T cells: from ligand-receptor bonds to cytoskeleton dynamics”, under the supervision of Kheya Sengupta (CINAM), Laurent Limozin (LAI) and Pierre-Henri Puech (LAI).
  • Olivier Mesdjian, project Long-range collective dynamics of cilia, mucus transport and tissue polarity in bronchial epithelium”, under the supervision of Annie Viallat (CINAM) and Julien FAVIER (M2P2)


Another postdoc call will take place in 2019, stay tuned for more information!

4 new research teams in CENTURI

We are happy to welcome 4  new research teams in the CENTURI community, all belonging to the LCB! The groups headed by Emanuele Biondi, Axel Magalon, Béatrice Py and Long-Fei Wu showed a strong interest to join our project and to participate in collaborative interdisciplinary projects. We hope that new interactions will emerge with members of our community in the coming months!


Learn more about these teams below:




3rd CENTURI Scientific day - May 10

Our 3rd CENTURI Scientific day will take place on May 10, 2019, in the afternoon. Members of our community will have the opportunity to present their interdisciplinary projects during short talks. A cocktail party will also be organised after the event to exchange about the projects presented during the event.

More information about the content of our event will be sent to you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Next CENTURI Seminars

Unless mentioned otherwise, the CENTURI seminars take place in the Hexagone's auditorium (1.30 pm to 2.30 pm).


  • Internal Seminar - January 28: Sophie Brasselet (Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France)

Structural imaging in cells and tissues by polarized fluorescence and nonlinear microscopy


  • Internal Seminar - February 25: Matthias Merkel (CENTURI - CPT, Marseille, France)

Self-organization and collective effects in living systems

  • External Seminar - March 04: Ulrike Feudel (Carl Von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenbourg, Germany)


  • Internal Seminar - March 18: Paul Villoutreix (CENTURI - LIS, Marseille, France)

From large image datasets to scientific insights in Developmental biology

Variability and robustness in morphogenesis


  • External Seminar - April 29: Claire Wyart (ICM, Paris, France)

Investigation of interoceptive sensory pathways involved in physiology of the spinal cord and organogenesis

  • External Seminar - May 13: Georges Debrégeas (Laboratoire Jean Perrin, Paris, France)


  • External Seminar - June 24: Atef Asnacios (Université Paris Diderot, France)



Our events calendar