CENTURI Internal newsletter #18 April 2020
PI call 2020 | Update on the call
CENTURI PI call is going on. We received more than 50 applications and after a thorough evaluation process, 6 high-level candidates have been shortlisted for the second round. The ad hoc evaluation committee was very satisfied with the high quality of applications.
Due to current epidemics, CENTURI will not be able to welcome the candidates on site for in-person interviews, from May 25 to May 27, 2020, as initially planned.
However, we believe it is important to maintain the organization of our call and the selection process at the given dates, by using visioconferences.
Candidates will give one-hour webinars presenting their research achievements and projects. These webinars will be open to the entire CENTURI community and we kindly encourage you to participate.
The precise schedule for these seminars will be the following:
- May 25th – 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm : Jose Davila (MIT, Boston, USA)
- https://zoom.us/j/94148056072?pwd=T2VDOG13MG5wc294QUpaZ1NsOVNXUT09
- Webinar’s ID number: 941-4805-6072
- Password : 473318
- May 25th – 04:30 pm to 05:30 pm : Philippe Roudot (UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA)
- https://zoom.us/j/96966685730?pwd=a3RGZEZraFllbEtRNTFYU0c4TGt6QT09
- Webinar’s ID number: 969-6668-5730
- Password : 120637
- May 26th – 09:30 am to 10:30 am : Leo Guignard (IRI-MDC, Berlin, Germany)
- https://zoom.us/j/99091236966?pwd=dnRtVityZGVZWEJVdjYxemFleVJiUT09
- Webinar’s ID number: 990-9123-6966
- Password : 193417
- May 26th – 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm : Pierre Ronceray (Princeton University, New Jersey, USA)
- https://zoom.us/j/93043554580?pwd=d0k3N1BMNEw2cTlleGMzVlJacU1kUT09
- Webinar’s ID number: 930-4355-4580
- Password : 836211
- May 27th – 09:30 am to 10:30 am : Juliane Liepe (MPI-BPC, Göttingen, Germany)
- https://zoom.us/j/99913778400?pwd=OXV6RmdrYlFsMHRjWElZU3lReTUyQT09
- Webinar’s ID number: 999-1377-8400
- Password : 340638
- May 27th – 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm : Pablo Sartori (The Rockfeller University, NYC, USA)
- https://zoom.us/j/92506857076?pwd=M0t1VnFyQnZ0MGxFWFdGOXJiTEJ5dz09
- Webinar’s ID number: 925-0685-7076
- Password : 805696
PhD call | Update on the call

Applications to our PhD call closed on February 16th. We received applications from more than 200 candidates on 23 projects. A total of 28 candidates will be interviewed for the call, by visioconference. CENTURI PIs will be asked to discuss with the candidates, also via visioconference.
The agenda of our 2020 PhD call is the following:
- Interviews (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 28-30, 2020
- Results of the call (ad hoc committee): May 05, 2020
- Final answer (from candidates): May 12, 2020
- Beginning of PhD: October 2020
Postdoc call | Update on the call
Applications to our postdoc call closed on April 17, 2020. 9 projects were advertised on our website and we have received more than 60 applications.
Applications have been transferred to the project’s supervisors. The call continue as described in the agenda below.

Our Postdoc call 2019-2020 agenda:
- Preselection of candidates (PIs and ad hoc committee): April 20 – May 8, 2020
- Interviews (ad hoc committee): June 18-19, 2020
- Results of the call: June 24
- Final answer (from candidates): July 1, 2020
Job Offer Engineering - 2 open positions
CENTURI is seeking 2 higly motivated research engineers to fill:
- One position of data neuroscientist – neuroscience data processing
- One position of data analyst – bioinformatics
These positions (description enclosed) will be central points of data analysis, data sharing and code sharing for our research community. The 2 engineers would join our multi-engineering platform and are expected to start in September 2020.
Deadline for application: until the vacancy is filled
Gross monthly salary: between € 1,870 and € 3,500 (depending on profile and experience).
Contract: 2-year contract (renewable)
CENTURI multi-engineering platform – still online!
Our multi-engineering platform is still active online and can work on new projects during the current lockdown.
If you have a project which would need their expertise, we invite you to contact them to talk about new collaboration projects.
Engineers of the platform can be contacted by several means:
- e-mail to the platform : engineering@centuri-livingsystems.org
- e-mail to one of the team members:
- Bioinformatics Data Analyst - Thomas Vannier - thomas.vannier@univ-amu.fr
- Database management and data curation Guillaume Gay- guillaume.gay.1@univ-amu.fr
- Image processing & data analysis : Benoit Dehapiot - benoit.dehapiot@univ-amu.fr and Qingzong Tseng - qingzong.TSENG@univ-amu.fr
- Optics & Biophotonics - Sophie Brustlein - sophie.brustlein@univ-amu.fr
- Software developer & data analyst - Masoud A. Sharbaf - masoud.aghamohamadian-sharbaf@univ-amu.fr
- CENTURI multi-engineering platform’s Slack account : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrCWl6V_iFzwV-F3C9P0IHokpp4EC5UwPcJe-sv5LO7I5EKQ/viewform
CENTURI internship program
Engineering internships:
CENTURI internship program has received many applications from students of the French Grandes Ecoles, interested in doing a summer internship in a CENTURI laboratory over the summer.
CENTURI has now reached its maximum capacity for internships.
MSc Computational and Mathematical Biology internship:
CENTURI is collecting internship proposals (template below), for the second year students of our Master’s program Computational and Mathematical Biology.
Theses internships would take place in a CENTURI lab, from January 2021 to June 2021.
If you wish to propose a project, please send your proposal to cmb@centuri-livingsystems.org, by June 15, 2020. Please note that CENTURI will not fund these internships. However, if your lab does not have enough funds to cover the internship stipend, please contact cmb@centuri-livingsystems.org.
CENTURI MSc programs - open registration
As you may know, CENTURI is deeply involved in 2 interdisciplinary programs: MSc in Physics of Complex Systems and MSc in Computational & Mathematical Biology.
These programs, taught by members of our community, are especially important to us as it represents our contribution to train the next generation of scientists at the interface between biology, physics, mathematics and computer science.
Our 2 Msc programs welcome students from all around the world, registrations to our MSc goes as follows:
- Students outside or Europe: register on Campus France & Études en France (more information here: https://www.univ-amu.fr/en/public/register-aix-marseille-university
Registration status: open
- Students from Europe: directly register on the eCandidat platform
Registration status: open
As usual please feel free to share the info about our 2 MSc with your network.
CENTURI Webinars - Matt Nolan (University of Edinburgh, Scottland)
Our next CENTURI webinar will take place on May 18th. Matt Nolan (University of Edinburgh, Scottland) will give a talk entitled “Neural representations of a spatial memory”.
His webinar will be followed by a students’ slot. If you are interested in participating, please contact Gael le Méhauté (gael.le-mehaute@univ-amu.fr)