EXTERNAL SEMINAR - Martin Lenz (LPTMS Paris Saclay)
Event Details
Martin Lenz (LPTMS Paris Saclay) will give a short internal seminar, hosted by Pierre Ronceray (CiNAM). This seminar will take place in the Hexagone Auditorium.CENTURI is also providing for off-campus
Event Details
Martin Lenz (LPTMS Paris Saclay) will give a short internal seminar, hosted by Pierre Ronceray (CiNAM).
This seminar will take place in the Hexagone Auditorium.
CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09
Meeting ID: 859 4169 0095
Secret Code: 002024
Title: Slimming down through frustration
Self-assembly is key to living cells, where it brings well-adjustedparts together into functional biological structures. In rarer,pathological cases, ill-fitting proteins also aggregate and form fibersinvolved in Alzheimer’s and other diseases. While functionalself-assembly is widely studied, the physical principles governingill-fitting self-assembly remain largely unknown.Our current understanding of self-assembly revolves around examplesinvolving simple, relatively symmetrical particles. We instead strive toconsider the opposite limit of very complex, ill-fitting particles,whose aggregation generates geometrical frustration. To escape thisfrustration, our early theoretical and experimental results suggest thatthey tend to form fibrous aggregates reminiscent of those formed byproteins in disease. According to this putative “dimensional reduction”principle, collections of complex particles generically behavedifferently than collections of simple ones. Indeed, while increasingthe attractive interactions in the latter typically induces a transitionfrom a dilute (gas-like) phase to a dense (liquid or solid) phase, wepropose that the former should generically present an additional,intermediate regime where fibers (or planes) form.We use theoretical tools based on elasticity theory and statisticalmechanics to investigate the effects of geometrical frustration onself-assembly to establish how widespread universal dimensionalreduction actually is. Our framework opens the way for ongoingexperiments where we probe colloidal and protein self-assembly usinghigh-resolution 3D printing and X-ray scattering.Our work reveal new organizational principles for matter, possibly asbroadly applicable as the very concept of crystallization. Thisfundamental advance in our understanding of complex, protein-like objectcould have implications for our understanding of biology and disease,and may also provide guidelines for engineering objects at the nano- andmicroscale, as well as lead to a better mastery of processes involved indrug manufacturing and protein crystallography.
20 January 2025 13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)