EXTERNAL SEMINAR – Kenneth Harris (University College of London)

EXTERNAL SEMINAR – Kenneth Harris (University College of London)13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00) 06nov13 h 30 min14 h 30 min

Event Details

Kenneth Harris (University College of London) will give a short external seminar, hosted by Stéphane Bugeon (INMED).

The seminar will take place in the Hexagon Auditorium.
CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09

Meeting ID: 859 4169 0095
Secret Code: 002024

Multidimensional structure of activity in identified cortical cell types

The cerebral cortex is comprised of hundreds of distinct cell types, connected into a network that underpins cognition.  To characterize the structure of activity in these cells, we recorded from thousands of neurons simultaneously in mouse visual cortex, then used molecular analysis to characterize their fine subtypes.

We found that cortical cells differed in their coupling to three dominant modes of population activity. The first mode correlated with behavioral alertness; the second with a spontaneous sleep-like oscillation; and the third to bursting of a particular inhibitory neuron class (Somatostatin-positive cells).  Visual responses correlated primarily with the oscillatory dimension.  A cell’s coupling to these dimensions could be predicted from its transcriptome in inhibitory, but not excitatory neurons.



6 November 2024 13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)

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