CENTURI Seminars
CENTURI Seminars
CENTURI Seminars are an opportunity for students and scientists of our community to discover the works of renowned scientists.
Upcoming seminars & events
Event Details
This Seminar is postponed to a later date, yet to be determined, thank you for your understanding. Raymond Goldstein (University of Cambridge) will give a short internal seminar, hosted
Event Details
This Seminar is postponed to a later date, yet to be determined, thank you for your understanding.
Raymond Goldstein (University of Cambridge) will give a short internal seminar, hosted by Patrick Breier (IBDM).
This seminar will take place in the Hexagone Auditorium.
CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09
Meeting ID: 859 4169 0095
Secret Code: 002024
3 March 2025 13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)
Event Details
Delphine Delacour (IBDM) will give a short internal seminar. This seminar will take place at the Hexagone Auditorium. CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09
Event Details
Delphine Delacour (IBDM) will give a short internal seminar.
This seminar will take place at the Hexagone Auditorium.
CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09
Title: Biomechanics of the Gut Epithelium Development
Abstract: Deciphering the dynamic cell orchestration that conditions faithful mammalian organogenesis is a critical and unresolved challenge. In this study, we focus on the mammalian gut—a highly organized monolayer epithelium where adult tissue self-renewal is driven by stem cell divisions within a specialized niche (Saleh et al., Developmental Cell, 2023). Biomechanics may play a pivotal role in coordinating cellular activities, thereby maintaining the integrity and architecture of the epithelium. To gain a comprehensive understanding of gut epithelial dynamics, we advocate for a multiscale, integrative approach that combines high-resolution live imaging with advanced analytical techniques. We aim to: 1) identify key events driving the dynamics of the gut’s epithelium by integrating in vivoand ex vivo advanced imaging, biomechanical analysis, and physical modeling, and 2) experimentally perturb the system to uncover the cellular, tissue, and molecular mechanisms that regulates gut epithelial dynamics. This approach will yield valuable insights into the intricate processes that govern tissue homeostasis and development in the gut, deepening our understanding of epithelial biology and its implications for health and disease.
Meeting ID: 859 4169 0095
Secret Code: 002024
17 March 2025 13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)
Event Details
Arne Traulsen (Max Planck Institute) will give a short internal seminar, hosted by Florence Bansept (LCB). This seminar will take place in the Hexagone Auditorium. CENTURI is also providing for off-campus
Event Details
Arne Traulsen (Max Planck Institute) will give a short internal seminar, hosted by Florence Bansept (LCB).
This seminar will take place in the Hexagone Auditorium.
CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09
Meeting ID: 859 4169 0095
Secret Code: 002024
2 April 2025 13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)
Hexagone Auditorium
163 Avenue de Luminy
Event Details
Nathalie Pujol (CIML) will give a short internal seminar. This seminar will take place at the Hexagone Auditorium. CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar:
Event Details
Nathalie Pujol (CIML) will give a short internal seminar.
This seminar will take place at the Hexagone Auditorium.
CENTURI is also providing for off-campus participants only a zoom link to attend the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941690095?pwd=Nm5NVGhESGlUbG1FMnZ2dU5vSlkxUT09
Meeting ID: 859 4169 0095
Secret Code: 002024
28 April 2025 13 h 30 min - 14 h 30 min(GMT+00:00)
Past seminars
- Internal Seminar - Thomas Chaigne (Institut Fresnel) - January 27
All-optical photoacoustic imaging towards single-cell resolution deep-tissue calcium imaging for neurobiology - External Seminar - Martin Lenz (LPTMS Paris Saclay), hosted by Pierre Ronceray - January 20
Slimming down through frustration - External Seminar – Sara Wickström (MPI), hosted by Delphine Delacour - January 13
Mechanical regulation of cell states
- Internal Seminar - Lorenzo Fontolan (INMED) - December 9
Attractor Dynamics and Neural Algorithms: towards a distributed theory of Cortical Information Processing - External Seminar – Kirsty Wan (University of Exeter), hosted by Marvin Leria - November 25
Embodied motility control in 'simple’ organisms - External Seminar - Jurgen Knoblich (Austrian Academy of Science) - November 14
Cerebral Organoids: Growing human brain tissue from stem cells to study development and disease - External Seminar – Kenneth Harris (University College of London), hosted by Stéphane Bugeon - November 6
Multidimensional structure of activity in identified cortical cell types - External Seminar – Leïla Perié (Institut Marie CURIE-CNRS), hosted by Sandrine Sarrazin - October 9
Hematopoiesis by the numbers: tracing families and counting divisions - Internal Seminar – Claire Valotteau (DyNaMo) - September 30
Hematopoiesis by the numbers: tracing families and counting divisions - Internal Seminar – Virgile Viasnoff (CINaM) - September 30
- External Seminal – Miki Ebisuya (TU Dresden), hosted by Patrick Breier - June 10
- External Seminar – Jose Carillo de la Plata (Oxford University), hosted by Florence Hubert - May 15
- Internal Seminar – Sham Tlili (IBDM) - May 8
- External seminar: Karen Alim (TU München), hosted by Thomas Lecuit (IBDM) - March 18
- External seminar: Patricia Bassereau (Institut Curie), hosted by Pierre Ronceray -March 11
- External seminar: Frauke Grauter (Heidelberg University), January 9 – From mechanical to oxidative stress: mechanoradicals in collagen tissue
- Internal seminar: Ede Rancz (INMED), January 16
- External seminar: Anastasios Pavlopoulos (IMBB), January 23 – Developmental morphogenesis: lessons from emerging pancrustacean models
- Internal seminar: Frédéric Richard (I2M), January 30 – Inference for the anisotropic fractional Brownian field and biomedical applications
- External seminar: Chris Lorenz (Imperial college), February 6 – Molecular dynamics simulations of biological systems
- External seminar: Olivier Hamant (ENS Lyon), February 27 – How transcriptional noise and mechanical conflicts contribute to organ shape reproducibility. Auditorium to be found
- Internal seminar: Mar Benavides (MIO) March 13 - Marine particles as niches for non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs
- External seminar: Aleksandra Walczak (ENS), April 11
- External seminar: Thierry Mora (ENS), April 14
- Internal seminar: : Béatrice PY (LCB), May 15 – Biogenesis of Iron–Sulfur Clusters
- External seminar: Ahmed el Hady (University of Konstanz and Max Planck Institute of Animal behavior, Konstanz), May 22 – Integration from trained to natural behaviors
- Internal seminar: Olivia Du Roure (confirmed), July 3 – Pinching the cortex of live cells reveals myosin II dependent thickness instabilities
- Internal seminar: Yoël Forterre (IUSTI), January 24 – Physics of rapid movement in plants: the example of the Venus flytrap
- Internal seminar: Christine Brun (TAGC), January 31 – Moonlighting proteins and regulation by 3’UTR : a network perspective
- External seminar: Kinneret Keren (Technion University), February 14 – Topological defects in Hydra morphogenesis
- External seminar: Wallace Marshall (UCSF), February 28 – Pattern formation and regeneration in a single cell
- External seminar: Lucie Laplane (Paris I and Gustave Roussy), March 7 – Bridging philosophy and science: the case of stem cells
- Internal seminar: Kévin Perrot (LIS), March 14 – What computers cannot do
- External seminar: Sarah Filippi (Imperial College), March 21 – Variable selection for high-dimensional survival data
- External seminar: Buzz Baum (MRC – Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology), March 28 – The mechanics and evolution of cell division
- External seminar: Adrienne Fairhall (University of Washington), April 4 – From neurons to behavior in Hydra
- Internal seminar: Pierre Milpied (CIML), April 25 - Tracking normal and malignant immune cell plasticity with integrative single-cell sequencing
- Internal seminar: Viktor Jirsa (INS), May 9 – When Causality meets Inference: complexity in neuroscience
- External seminar: Timothy Verstynen (Carnegie Mellon University), May 16 – The neural mechanics of changing your mind
- External seminar: Eli Rothenberg (New York University), May 17 – Single-Molecule Nanoscopy and Data-Mining Approaches for Mapping Molecular Pathways and Mechanisms for Precision Therapeutics in Cancer
- Internal seminar: Clothilde Melot (I2M), May 23 - Intertwinning wavelets or multiresolution analysis on graphs through random forests
- External seminar: Lluis Quintana-Murci (Institut Pasteur and Collège de France), June 30 – From Neanderthals to COVID-19: genetic and evolutionary sources of human immune response variation
- External seminar: Assaf Zaritsky (Ben-Gurion University), July 4 – Extracting the invisible from live cell microscopy
- Internal seminar: Elsa Bazellières (IBDM), September 12 - Regulation of collective epithelial biomechanics by the polarity protein CRB3
- Internal seminar: : PhD and postdoc seminars, September 15
- External seminar: Silvia Acinas (Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona), September 19 – A global exploration of the Ocean Microbiome
- External seminar: Amy Shyer (Rockefeller University), September 26 – Supracellular regulation of symmetry breaking in the skin
- Internal seminar: Julie Koenig (INMED), October 3 – Coding distance in the hippocampus: circuits and mechanisms
- External seminar: Ivo Sbalzarini (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), October 10 – Data-Driven Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Living Matter
- External seminar: Michael Liebling (Idiap Research Institute), November 14 – Temporal super resolution applied to cardiac imaging in zebrafish
- Internal seminar: Cédric Maurange (IBDM), November 21 – Cancers with developmental origins: from programs to self-organisation
- External seminar: Rut Carballido-Lopez (INRAE), November 28 – Shaping the bacterial cell wall: actin-like MreB proteins, from single molecules to cell morphogenesis
- Internal seminar: Hervé Rigneault (Institut Fresnel), December 5 – High-sensitivity label free chemical imaging inside living systems
- Internal seminar: Emilie Franceschini (LMA), January 25 - Ultrasound for probing and stimulating biological cells
- External seminar: Petra Vertes (Cambridge University), on February 1st - Systems approaches across scales and species towards unravelling the biology of mental ill-health.
- Internal seminar: Juan Reguera (AFMB), February 8 - The physical basis of cell membrane remodelling by the Chikungunya virus
- External seminar: Manu Prakash (Stanford University), February 25 - Fast and furious: What we can learn from extreme limits in biological systems.
- Internal seminar: Philippe Roudot (I2M), March 15, 2021 - Automated pattern recognition for live cell microscopy: the cost of blind faith and how to avoid it.
- External seminar: Virgile Viasnoff (MBI – ESPCI), March 22 – Conceptual and experimental new ways of understanding cell – cell junctions.
- External seminar: Primoz Ziherl (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), April 12 – Surface-tension based models of epithelia
- Internal seminar: Caroline Chaux-Moulin (I2M), April 19 - Formulation and resolution of inverse problems in signal and image processing
- Internal seminar: Pierre Ronceray (CPT), May 3 - Elastically limited liquid-liquid phase separation inside cells
- Internal seminar: Thomas Lecuit (IBDM), May 17 - On the nature of morphogenetic information
- Internal seminar: Léo Guignard (LIS), June 21 - Quantifying embryogenesis and its reproducibility across scales
- External seminar: Vera Pancaldi (CRCT Toulouse), September 13 – Network approaches to dissect the epigenome-phenotype connection in immune cells
- External seminar: Yanlan Mao (LRC – MBMC), September 27– Coping with Mechanical Stress: Tissue dynamics in development and repair
- External seminar: Arup Chakraborty (MIT), October 6 - Viruses, Immunity, and Vaccines.
- Internal seminar: Olivier Théodoly (LAI), October 18 – Migration of single immune cells in vitro: mechanisms of propulsion and guidance.
- External seminar: Théodore Alexandrov (EMBL), November 8 – Spatial single-cell metabolomics reveals metabolic states of cells in NASH.
- External seminar: Laurent Blanchoin (CEA Grenoble), November 15 – Directed actin cytoskeleton self-organization and contractility
- Internal seminar: Elodie Fino (INMED), November 22 – How does the brain remember how to ride a bike?
- External seminar: Karsten Kruse (UNIGE), November 29 – Spontaneous transition from asters to protrusions in a confined tissue
- Internal seminar: Etienne Loiseau (CINAM), December 6 – How millions of microscopic active cilia self-organize to protect our airways?
- External seminar: Florent Meyniel (CEA – Neurospin), December 13 – A probabilistic approach to learning and perception in the human brain
- Internal seminar: Bianca Habermann (IBDM, Marseille, France), January 13 - Exploring mitochondrial expression dynamics in a user-friendly and visual way using the mitoXplorer web-platform
- External seminar: Carsten Grashoff (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany), January 20 - Piconewton-sensitive biosensors to investigate adhesion mechanics in cells
- External seminar: Anne Ferguson Smith (University of Cambridge, UK), February 03 - Epigenetic inheritance in mammals - models and mechanisms
- External seminar: Chloé-Agathe Azencott (Mines Paris Tech, France), March 09 - Network-guided biomarker discovery
- Internal seminar: Rosa Cossart (INMED, Marseille, France), December 16 - How development shapes memory circuits
- External seminar: Ana Smith (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany), April 06
- External seminar: Matt Nolan (University of Edinburgh, Scottland), May 18
- Internal seminar: Benoit Ballester (TAGC, Marseille, France), June 29
- External seminar: Raluca Eftimie (Dundee University), September 7 - Using mathematical models to generate new immunological hypotheses: an investigation of immunotherapies for cancer
- Internal seminar: Christophe Eloy (IRPHE), September 14, Tree Shapes
- External seminar: Lisa Manning (Syracuse University), September 30 - Predicting interactions between cell collectives and their environment
- External seminar: Kristian Franze (Cambridge), October 12 – webinar - The physical regulation of axon development and regeneration
- Internal seminar: Elisabeth Rémy (I2M), October 19 - Logical modelling of biological networks
- Internal seminar: Alain Barrat (CPT), November 9 - Finding structures and timescales in temporal graphs
- Internal seminar : Réjane Rua (CIML), November 16 - Role of meningeal immune responses in neurocognition and neuroinflammation
- External seminar: Claude Loverdo (ENS Paris, France), December 7 - Interactions of antibodies and bacteria in the digestive tract
- Internal seminar: Rosa Cossart (INMED), December 14 - How development shapes memory circuits
- External seminar: Marcelo Nollmann (CBS Montpellier, France), January 14 - Imaging nuclear organisation at the nanoscale
- Internal seminar: Sophie Brasselet (Institut Fresnel), January 28 - Structural imaging in cells and tissues by polarized fluorescence and nonlinear microscopy
- External seminar: Vincent Calvez (ENS Lyon, France), February 4 - Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology
- Internal seminar: Matthias Merkel (CPT), February 25 - Self-organization and collective effects in living systems
- External seminar: Ulrike Feudel (Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Odenburg, Allemagne), March 4 - Concepts of dynamical systems theory in environmental science
- Internal seminar: Paul Villoutreix (LIS), March 18 - From large image datasets to scientific insights in Developmental biology
- External seminar: Arezki Boudaoud (ENS Lyon, France), April 1st - Variability and robustness in morphogenesis
- Internal seminar: Jean-François Rupprecht (CPT), April 15 - Fluctuations in active viscous system: from the cell cortex to tissues
- External seminar: Claire Wyart (ICM, Paris), April 29 - Investigation of interoceptive sensory pathways involved in physiology of the spinal cord and organogenesis
- External seminar: Georges Debregas (UPMC, France), May 13 - Whole-brain imaging in zebrafish larva reveals neural mechanisms underlying phototaxis
- Internal seminar: : Fanny Mann (IBDM), May 27- Neural plasticity in cancer: for better or for worse?
- Internal seminar: : Herve Rouault (CPT - INMED), June 17 - Brain representations of spatial environments
- External seminar: Atef Asnacios (Université Paris Diderot, France), June, 24 - Interplay between single-cell mechanics and functions
- Internal seminar: Cécile Capponi (LIS), July 9 - An humble testament of the couple bio/Machine learning research: when a variety meets another variety
- Internal seminar: Kheya Sengupta (CINAM), September 9 - Physics of cell adhesion: from model membranes to T-cells
- External seminar: Michael Way (Francis Crick Institute, Royaume-Uni), September 16 - New levels of complexity in actin polymerization
- External seminar: Alain Goriely (Oxford University, Royaume-Uni), October 14 - Modelling Dementia
- External seminar: Raymond Goldstein (University of Cambridge, Royaume-Uni), November 4 - Upside-Down and Inside-Out: The Biomechanics of Cell Sheet Folding
- External seminar: Marie Doumic (Inria, Paris, France) & Wei-Feng Xue (University of Kent, Royaume-Uni), November 18 - The Division of Amyloid Fibrils – Theory, Experiments and Predictions
- Internal seminar: Philippe Pierre (CIML), November 25 – Translating Immunity
- External seminar: Patrick Tabeling (ESPCI, France), December 9 - Microfluidics, droplets, foams, photonics, cell culture
- External seminar: Carl-Philip Heisenberg (Institute of Science and Technology, Autriche), December 16 - Mechanosensation of tight junctions by ZO-1 phase separation and flow
- External seminar: Ralf Jungmann (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried), January 22 - Super-resolution microscopy with DNA molecules
- External seminar: Grégory Giannone (Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, Bordeaux), February 5 - Spatiotemporal and mechanical regulation of actin and integrin at the nanoscale
- External seminar: Anne Siegel (IRISA, Rennes), February 19 - Reasoning over biological systems with large-scale and incomplete data
- Internal seminar: Tâm Mignot (LCB), March 12 - Linking single cell behaviors to the formation of multicellular patterns: a “google earth” approach in the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus
- External seminar: Alexander Bershadsky (MBI, Weizmann Institute of Science), April 12 - The cytoskeleton as a composite smart chiral material
- External seminar: Alain Destexhe (CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette), June 25 - Propagating waves and their collision in visual cortex
- External seminar: Pavel Tomančák (Max Planck Institute – Dresden, Germany), September 10 - A new force awakens: comparative approach to tissue morphogenesis in insects
- External seminar: Michael Hiller (Max Planck Institute – Dresden, Germany), September 24 - Linking phenotypic differences between species to differences in genes and cis-regulatory elements.
- External seminar: Benno Schwikowski (Institut Pasteur – Paris, France), October 15 - Novel, interpretable, machine learning approaches for discovery in genome-scale datasets
- Internal seminar: Jérôme Epsztein (INMED, Marseille), October 29 - Dynamic control of hippocampal spatial coding resolution by local visual cues
- External seminar: Robert Phillips (Caltech, Pasadena, United States), November 5 - Musings on Biology’s Greatest Model and the Second Secret of Life: a talk on Allostery
- External seminar: Eric Goles (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile), November 19 - Threshold networks: dynamics and applications
- Internal seminar: Anais Baudot (Marseille Medical genetics), December 10 - Mining networks to study rare and common diseases
- External seminar: Jean-Marc Allain (École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France), December 10 - Multiscale mechanics of soft tissues
- External seminar: Stanislas Dehaene (College de France – CEA), April - Reading in the brain – how literacy affects brain organization
- External seminar: Fred Chang (UCSD), May -Morphogenesis of the Fission Yeast Cell
- External seminar: Guy Theraulaz (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse), June – Modeling three-dimensional stigmergic constuction in ant colonies
- Internal seminar: Florence Hubert (I2M), September - Mathematics and biology : two examples of collaborations/interactions in oncology
- External seminar: Edwin Munro (Center for Cell Dynamics, Chicago, USA), October - Dynamical basis for selforganizing cortical polarity in early C. elegans embryos
- Internal seminar: Annie Viallat (CINAM), October : Two examples of active biofluids: red blood cells through splenic slits and mucociliary clearance
- Internal seminar: Pierre-François Lenne (IBDM), November : From cell surfaces to the embryo and back
- Internal seminar: Jonathan Ewbank (CIML), November - Intrinsic interdisciplinarity?
- External seminar: Raphaël Voituriez (UPMC), December - Actin flows in cell migration: from locomotion to trajectories